| - I will be the first to admit that I dislike full service car washes. Especially after reading several one star reviews. I will be the first to admit that self service car washes give me a slight case of motion sickness. And I will be the first to admit that Legacy Self Service Car Wash is a good car wash.
Legacy Self Service Car Wash features six bays, one self service drive thru car wash, and vacumn bays. In my opinion it provides the best car wash attendant to wash your vehicle. A car wash attendant that is honest and give your vehicle some tender loving care. That car wash attendant is You.
I have been to Legacy Self Service Car Wash four times. From my experience, the car wash has been as rewarding as the effort I put into it. To get my car clean, I feed $2 to the change machine, press "refund" and drop the quarters into the money meter at the bay. I place the hose setting to low pressure wash. I believe this pays for three minutes of water and soap. When the water stops, I use their mounted brush to give my car a good scrub. Then I feed another $1 to $2 to the meter, place the hose setting to rinse, and drive off. In the future, I might buy a soft rag to dry off the car.
Legacy Self Service Car Wash is hidden at the southeast corner of Pecos at Windmill, in back of Arbys, Del Taco, and Arco. It is hidden from Pecos and Windmill in a safe and relatively populated location. With an office building, auto repair store, and Ginger Mill Restaurant in eye range; plus cameras the location appears safe. If it was isolated, I would not recommend it.
I would like to close off the review by mentioning two tips. 1) I placed a picture of car wash settings and directions. And 2) as I write this the Arco a few hundred feet away-at Pecos and Windmill, is one of the least expensive gas stations in the area.