| - Um. Hey! Meatball should be called HALLELUJAH MEATBALL, because in all honesty, this place TOOK ME TO CHURCH. PRAISE THE LORD (and his balls, and I'm talking bout meatballs here, for those of you who are of a depraved mind!).
After waking up suddenly one Saturday Morning and realizing that if I didn't have meatballs THAT DAY, something would go terribly wrong, I made it a point to FINALLY visit hey meatball after spending years passing it a million times on my streetcar trips down College street. I have actually yearned for Hey meatball without really ever giving in for ages, I've sort of always had this unrequited love thing for hey meatball, longingly gazing into its front window, always wondering "I wonder what goes on in there?" (meatball magic duh) ""I wonder what it's like in there?" (no frills cafeteria style dining & charmingly grimey)
So yea, Guy Fieri profiled this place a year or 2 ago and I made it a point not to succumb to the charms and advice of a guy who bleaches his goatee (life lesson, it might be okay to trust a guy who bleaches his goatee...) And let me just say, I really really loved my food. A LOTZ. And my boyfriends Burger Ball sammy and pickled salad was a hoot too (delicious hoots).
After perusing through the menu for a few minutes, I settled on the Polenta with 3 pork meatballs, with the polenta being topped with a double whammy of flavor - bolognese sauce AND pesto). After about a 7ish minute wait, my name was called and up we went to collect our food. My dish looked scrumptious, blissfully home made and I was hella excited to dig in. My boyfs dish looked scrumptious too; his pickled salad was colorful, vibrant and his meatball sandwich was HUGE (he had to crush that sucker down to even get his mouth around it). My polenta was sooooo creammmmmmyyyyy, perfect texture and consistency. The pesto was just beautiful, I was like, oh god oh god oh god please dont lets this be TOO good because I am just about ready to scream, and then I put the pesto in my mouth and it was like BAM BASIL FLAVOR EXPLOSION, and then I proceeded to internally scream from wonder for like 2 whole minutes. The bolognese was 2 legit 2 quit that I just wanted to BATHE IN THAT FUCKING SHIT cause uggghhhh, I could honestly marry Hey Meatballs' Bolognese.
So, the meatballs: the meatballs were good. Not perfect (is there truly such a thing as a perfect meatball, I mean, come on, what if god was one of us, eating a meatball on a bus? just trying to find his way back home? What I'm saying is, god would probably throw out his normal meatball...and come to hey meatball)
But really at the end of the day, if you need a good, home style meatball, Hey Meatball is the place to go. The great thing about this spot is that they dont just get lazy with the meatballs, they focus on crafting amazing sides and put together really strong plates of flavorful food that your grammy would make (grammies make the best food and you know it.)