| - John Broz, Eleiko, Uesaka, Pendlay, or Werksan. If you are yelping any of these words then you're probably already know about ABG.
If you don't know then here's the gist. Average Broz Gymnasium is owned by John Broz famous for his approach on the Bulgarian Training Method, squatting everyday, your body lying, funny remarks on YouTube trolls, and his national/international level disciples. You would think he's a hard ass and unfriendly person, however its just the opposite, unless maybe you're one of his athletes.
The facility has something like 8+ platforms, premium barbells, plates, racks, jerk box, and equipment for GPP. You won't find machines or anything that won't assist you in becoming a strong motherhugger. Coming here from my gym was coming from the top of the food chain to the very bottom, but its okay, no one bats an eye if your clean was a little wobbly. I did feel the pressure to not miss a lift though because someone next to you 10 kilos less is lifting twice as much as you, and that helped make me better. Whether your doing weightlifting, powerlifting, GPP, or wanting to mirin hard then ABG it is.
Come with a positive attitude, your lifting gear, and a calculator to convert kilos to pounds. If you're a visitor its about 10 mins away from the airport (more on that here: and daily passes are $20 with options for longer visits and memberships (