I can't picture going anywhere else for service going forward. I'd been advised by my dealership that I needed work on my brakes, as well as my exhaust (converter bolts). I was going to look elsewhere, and started my research. I landed on Masterworks as the best option. On my way home that very day, before even calling, I hit one of Cleveland's legendary pop-up potholes. I called when I got home, as there was a definite bubble on the tire. Baruch had me drop the car off that night. I mentioned that there may be other work (brakes and bolts). He called the next afternoon and told me that the only thing that actually needed attention was the bubbled tire and the alignment. I've always stressed about going to a mechanic, as it always seems like its the worst case scenario. Not so here. Baruch and his team only do what you actually need done instead of trying to upsell. I've found a fantastic mechanic!