I have used Kenny for about six years.... a long time to be with a company. Over the past two years quality has gone down. I am not sure if he has new people or he just doesn't care. His workers have done poor work the last few years and when it is brought to his attention at first he was sorry but the same issues came up and his attitude was oh well. Two weeks ago they did my backyard blew everything out of the rocks into my pool this is not the first time it's happened I took pictures and I text him his response was I'll tell the guys. Not I'm sorry not I will come clean it, i will send someone over to clean it, absolutely nothing. After working a 10 hour day it took me 45 minutes to clean my pool maybe I should back charge him my hourly rate to clean it. I also had large weeds sprayed and grass not cut around the bushes with weed killer on it. Which we also talked about because the last time my dog chewed the grass and got sick. They use a riding lawn mower and if his guys ride over a sprinkler head be prepared to get charged for it
because it's never their fault even if it's chewed up. I fired him this week.... he didn't ask why. I guess he is only out to get new clients and screw over the people who have been with him for years. This is only a section of my pool......