Bought a TV from Costco online on Cyber Monday. Ceva did not deliver within 7-10 business days, it took over a month. The delivery driver was alone and required me to help him carry the large TV off his truck and into my own house, defeating the purpose of having it shipped. Once I finally got the TV set up, it was damaged. Had to jump through hoops with Costco to exchange for a new TV. Upon delivery of the new TV, Ceva employee refused to take the old TV back with him and said they would come another day to retrieve the damaged TV. Could not waste another day with their inconvenient nine to one time frame. With directions from Costco employee, was told to drive the TV myself to Ceva headquarters on a Saturday morning. Arrived at Ceva headquarters, no one understood why I was there (as I had suspected) but was finally directed to bring my own car to a loading dock. I walked the TV myself inside their warehouse and was thankful for the fiasco to be over with. Finally have a new TV set up, many weeks post Cyber Monday. Shame on Costco for using such an awful courier service and shame on Ceva for being extremely unhelpful and wasting my time on numerous occasions.