I do not see a separate Yelp account for Chanel in Encore. I wandered into both stores during my visit and met two very nice SAs: Amanda (Wynn) and Lin (Encore). Note: the boutique in Wynn is much bigger than Encore.
I spent a little more time with Lin so this review is primarily based on her and the Encore boutique. She showed me many amazing RTW items which, to me, were more like beautiful pieces artwork. There were two other in the boutique at the time, and I assume they were frequent shoppers because the SAs had items prepared for them in the fitting room before they even arrived. Lin treated me with the same courtesy and respect that she treated these two other women.
I did not buy any of the RTW items I tried on, but I did purchase a pair of cute flats for my mother.
I will definitely be contacting Lin for more Chanel items in the future even though I live across the country. See my previous post on Chanel of Short Hills.