| - Paradise Vapors here just opened maybe 2 to 3 weeks ago and I must say congrats! Theyre located on Nellis and Owens behind the gas station. Kind of hard to see if you're driving though.. They mix and put together their own flavors so definitely a must try if you're like me and have bought almost every brand of flavor there is to offer in Las Vegas.
I bought myself a small sized 5 or 6 ml bottle of Horchata, as i haven't found myself having this flavor or trying it at least. Prices are typical, not too many shops sell a bottle less than 10 ml so not too bad if you're just "sampling."
The tasting bar looks quite nice! The Lazy Susan or rotating tray they have is a great touch and you don't see that very often lol! Also, i drip my liquids wherever i go, and whenever i want to test flavors, i have to use an ego or use their sample batteries. Here at Paradise, they have testers for the rebuildable atomizers as well. Big plus!
They have good tasting flavors as well, Not all were appealing to me, but hey everyone's different, just try out the flavors yourself!
About 1 hour previous to my visit, i had a good friend stop by to check out flavors, he happens to own a vape shop in the area and was turned down, apparently in a negative way. Not really my business, but most shops i go to are extremely friendly to neighboring vape shops. Maybe something to do with just opening? Again not my business but its not exactly a plus in my book.
Positives for me:
+ Close to where i live, literally 2 blocks
+ Dripping testers
+ Small bottles available in all liquid
+ Very Friendly
+ Their own mix of liquid
A few Negatives:
- Some lingo and keywords when talking vape with the workers
- Unfortunately not too friendly with neighboring Vape Shops
- Location, unless you know the address and have a gps, you will hardly see behind the gas station, let alone driving.
Overall: Not too bad 4/5 sorry i can't let it pass if you're not too friendly with other shops. All shops i visit regularly are welcome to neighboring shops, and often i see them vaping and conversing together in eachothers' shops.
Great staff, very friendly with my experience though. Great setup and products. A little more knowledge about your items may be needed, just my 2 cents. Thanks for reading!