I stumbled across this class by accident. I had done spinning at home in the UK and had tried an LA Fitness class here in Phoenix which was ... ok. I came to Studio 360 and couldn't believe I didn't collapse in a crumpled heap on the floor. Somehow I kept going to the end of the class. It was HARD. I was completely addicted.
I have since been going for probably about 6 months. In that time my father in the UK has been diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor and I really can be honest in saying that going to this class 2/3 times a week is the only time when I have 60 minute periods in which I don't feel like I'm crippled with fear and dread about what is happening at home.
Oh, and I've dropped 2 dress sizes. It would probably be more, but I REALLY like wine (I'm European. We drink. Too much.) So what my boyfriend affectionately refers to as my "wine pouch" reamins. But I have abs underneath.
Most importantly - for 60 minutes of the day I feel like a champion.
Thank you Studio 360.