Ya know I'm quite surprised I haven't written a review for Brooklyn Bowl, but better late than never.
For those not in the know Brooklyn Bowl is a combo bowling alley/restaurant/bar/ music venue
Pros: it's big, and expansive so when you come here there's usually room to dance and there's an outside patio and multiple places where you can sit
-there's bowling upstairs which I actually didn't know until a few trips
-the bartenders in my experience are liberal with the drinks which are always appreciated and always results in extra tips
-the fried chicken was pretty damn good, I've heard good things about the rest of the menu but haven't had too much of a chance
-the musical lineup absolutely cannot be matched in Las Vegas. From acts such as flume, chromeo, Elvis Costello, bass nectar, the roots, Wu Tang. They book all different genres of acts and all levels of celebrity, so it can range from icons to just a local band who's trying to get some stage time and exposure. It's quickly becoming where I tend to see a lot of live music in town
-cell service is absolutely atrocious. Like none of me and my friends ever get service whenever we go here, it's accepted that no texts or snapchats will be sent unless you go out onto the patio. There's supposed to be WiFi but it's about as reliable as Lindsey Lohan at 3am on a Saturday night
-bowling can randomly fill up quick and bowling during a concert isn't easy to do :(
-they randomly close the upstairs for some concerts and allow people upstairs sometimes. I've never been able to get why it's open some times and closed the others