Your options at Heartbreaker are: you can get a standard mani/pedi with standard polish OR you can get a mani/pedi with Minx nails.
I got a Minx Mani and standard polish Pedi. The overall cost? $95.
If you don't know, Minx nails are these adhesive overlays with crazy designs/prints/colours. When you get Minx nails done, you definitely get the "WOW" factor. I also love that as soon as Minx is applied, you can just walk on out - no waiting for nails to're ready to go. You do pay a pretty hefty premium to get Minx, so it's not something that I would recommend on a reg - unless you have money to burn. I had them applied on Friday evening for a Saturday event, and they have not peeled or anything. A friend shared that if your Minx start to bubble and slightly peel, use a hair dryer to heat them up and press to re-apply.
As for the overall Mani/Pedi experience... well I often rate based on the massage. On a scale from 1 - 10, it was about a 5. There was no real massage included as part of my experience. The exfoliation and scrubbing process was just below average. The nail polish colour options were awesome.
The overall customer service was fantastic. I did not get the name of the gal who worked on my nails, but she was awesome.
The final verdict is that for $95 I would also expect the mani/pedi to be 'Spa-worthy'. However, my nails definitely have "POP" and were a huge hit at my event. GO HERE if you have a special event and want to splurge on something special.