I participated on a panel at the Amplify Music Festival, and this is where it took place. Jillian's is recognizable as a variety of the "Dave and Buster's" genre- video games with booze, you know?
I'm not an afficianado of he genre- skee ball is for kids, aight? But I did spend an enjoyable Vegas afternoon here on their indoor bowling alley. They manufactured a decent white russian; while the pizza and nachos we ordered were TERRIBLE!!!
They also have a live music venue downstairs- that is probably what sets Jillian's apart from other Dave and Buster's type places. I didn't actually go to a show there, so I can't review that aspect.
The video games looked like a tossed off after thought- nothing that looked interesting- except for the white water rafting game(?!?) that looked interesting
The decor is reminscent of your standard TGIF.