Got my 370z rust proofed at this 4900 Sheppard Ave E location. Very nice family owned business. They told me I could watch the process as they worked on my car. Person managing the back was Ashton. He explained their whole process while they were working on my car, and they definitely did NOT cut corners. They did a great job and made sure my car was well protected in all areas. They showed me exactly where they drilled the holes to get to the critical areas to protect and for those who are worried about the drilling it is no problem. I had my doubts at first about the drilling but the holes are treated and plugged. After seeing it, I am not worried at all.
Overall great family owned business, awesome customer service, and I will definitely be coming back in the future. I definitely trust this place and it's rust proofing methods. Ashton and his family are great people to deal with and I definitely recommend them.