I have been practicing all day yesterday and today with my baby boy on his commands with free time in between and it's amazing I tell him to sit and stay and he does I walk to the end of his leash then tell him to come with hand commands and he does and sits right in front of me then I tell him to heel (which means to come to my left side and sit) and he has done it, I tell him down to lay down and stay and he stays longest right now is 30 mins the I then I do it all over again it's amazing it's all thanks to Nathan Lochner for helping with him yah I may have sent him to board and train and ppl make comments like what you can't train your dog and I said no it's not that he is very destructive and it was a little difficult me to get it started so yes I sent him and my dog is better than ever and now the work continues with me and my husband ...he is sooo good I am so excited to keep it going everyday it's my responsibility and I need to make sure he is in line especially when guest come over ...oh yah one more thing... Every time we go out side I tell him to sit and stay I open the door walk outside and he is still sitting and staying then I tell him to come and he comes out side same thing when returning from out walk ....it's amazing what I can learn from my dog and to help him succeed along the way it brings joy to my heart I may not have kids but he is my baby boy ...love it don't need anything else but my husband, our baby, and I that's our little family ... My hubby with rocco on the back right ...every Saturday me and rocco have a date for group training