We got our pool done by Shasta several years ago. We paid extra for the Shasta glass and lifetime warranty. It has been a headache from the very beginning. They dug a hole in our backyard and left it for weeks despite multiple phone calls. I finally took a sign and stood outside their office protesting "don't get your pool done by Shasta". Suddenly they were ready and eager to finish our pool and even gave us some extra cool deck for the trouble. The pool has never worked right from the very beginning. Dirt has blown through a jet in our spa from the very beginning. It wasnt bad at first but over the years has gotten worse. I had them out multiple times to fix it, even had to take my sign back down to their store and protest to get them to come out and look at the pool. They tell me there is no problem. Now we have weeds growing from the same jet. And the Shasta glass has worn away and cement is visible in areas. That lifetime warranty was a big joke. They won't honor the lifetime warranty - they say it's because the chemicals we used on our pool are the cause. Funny that they no longer sell the Shasta glass, probably because they figured out it's not all they thought it would be. I would never recommend this company. I would take my sign back down there to protest and try to make them honor their warranty., but I'm not sure I want them touching my pool ever again.