Worst justice system around. I had the worst experience you can possibly have. Judge Timothy Ryan did not make one reasonable decision. I pay 65% of my income to my ex-wife and have only two days of visitation in the state of Arizona. I live across the country and can't afford to fly out do to his unreasonable decisions. I clearly presented all financial records and some how he believes that I can live off of $1800 a month and still be able to travel. I am a great dad and both my kids love and miss me beyond comprehension. I felt that since I didn't have a lawyer he didn't take anything I said into account. His attitude and thought process is clearly not in the best interest of my kids. His decisions have made my kids hurt more than the divorce with there mom. Judge Ryan has been moved to juvenile court and I feel bad for any parent or child who has to deal with him. I'm positive you won't get a reasonable decision. I'm not sure how he still has a job sitting behind the gavel. I wish I could get a new divorce trial as any other judge would look at what he did and be shocked by how he has conducted his actions in the so called "justice system".