I came to this place for the very first time ever on May 5,Cinco de Mayo night with my friend Ally and her husband Scott and her friend Faye.Ally had been telling me about this place for weeks.She usually comes here on Friday nights and likes to participate in their karaoke.It is a so called dive bar but I found it to be extremely laid back with a very pleasant vibe,Their alcohol prices are very reasonable.I had a couple of $6,00 pitchers of Busch beers which I had no complaint about in a world where $10.00 or more for a single drink is rapidly becoming the norm.I found this place to be very unpretentious.I always prefer an unpretentious dive to a snobby,pretentious or expensive so called classy place.The quality of the karaoke varied quite a bit,from some really decent singers to some real horrors but I guess sometimes you have to hear the bad singers to more fully appreciate the good ones,We left fairly early but I wouldn't have minded staying there until later.I definitely plan on returning here with my friends again.I had a GREAT time and would recommend this place.I think you will enjoy it if you are not a real snob.