Been getting my oil changed here for many years never a problem. This time? Attendant informs me that my Subaru only takes synthetic oil. What? Shows me on his super handy computer monitor that says traditional oil just isn't "available" for my car. After I told him that was the stupidest thing I had ever heard he then said conventional Valvoline wasn't "recommended" for my vehicle. I started to dial the number for Subaru service to let my young friend hear it for himself and suddenly he was able to select conventional on his screen. Whether he was just following the screen instructions or it was something more nefarious directed locally it was complete nonsense. My 2015 Outback 3.6R comes from the factory with conventional oil, not synthetic ($90...for an oil change?? Seriously does it come with a mint for my pillow?). Their oil change prices are obscene already, how many unknowing consumers have fallen for this blatantly unecessary upcharge and cash-grab? He then proceeded to tell me that Valvoline conventional oil would turn to sludge in my engine even if I changed it every 3K miles. So Valvoline suddenly doesn't meet minimum SAE standards? Gotcha. That happens right?......Kiddo when you find yourself in a hole -stop digging.