Skateland on Thursday nights is the place to be if you are wearing white hot pants. It was Retro night at the skating rink, but I do not believe that was the reason for the hot pants. The middle-aged owner of the hot pants had the smooth legs that can only be built by 3-4 times a week skating sessions. She had earned the right to wear white hot pants in the middle of a January deep freeze. She was definitely the diva of the floor and had her pick of backwards skating, bellbottomed men to choose from on couples skate. The disco lights were strobing and the retro 1970's and 80's music was hopping. We arrived only an hour or so before the last song of the night so the man behind the skate rental counter struck a deal: only 4.00 each for admittance and skate rental. $4.00 seemed like a steal; the people watching alone was worth that. With the heavy 1970's feel to the black light and decor, I desperately wanted to dance to the excellent selection of dance and rock songs the dj selected. However, every time I started to boogie, the shift in my weight nearly sent me to the floor. I was happily surprised that I did not fall. I am glad; I have a lot farther to fall than the last time I was in roller skates. Unfortunately, I am not one of the advanced "flea hoppers" and I was forced to sit down while advanced skaters had a few songs to themselves. I went home and googled "flea hopping." It seems to be a local term and one not very well known. I assume it means people who are fancy skaters. Either way, I knew I had never been a described as a "flea hopper" before and sat down. I was shocked to see that not just throwbacks to the 1970s were advanced skaters; there was a decent amount of teens and preteens that could get their skate on.
A word of warning: wear good socks. Both my gentleman caller and I remembered the burning sensation (in our feet) that roller skating brings. We both have two large blisters today to show from it.