| - Southwest is my airline.
I've always preferred them.
There are no assigned seats, which is a curse and a blessing.
A blessing in the case of showing up early you have your choice.
A curse, if you run a hair late, you're split up.
We are rapid rewards members, and have Chase Visa cards - which means we are frequently sent drink vouchers. I know this isn't a huge deal, but it makes us feel valued. Sometimes it isn't the dollar value of the gesture, but the casual reminder of "Hey we know you choose us, and we hope you continue to do so..."
We've had pretty good luck with baggage, very few flights that require connections, and overall very kind staff.
In fact, this last jump from Georgia to Phoenix, we had a snag at the drop off for the rental car, and arrived at the gate about 1 minute before they were going to close the doors. They had someone WITH OUR BOARDING PASSES waiting for us, so we could walk right on. We expected to be turned away, not be treated like royalty.
Thank you for always getting us to and from safe Southwest.