Just got off the phone with Kevin.. Whom I'm assuming is the disgruntled owner. I would like to let it be known that he should not be answering the phones, much less dealing with human. A rude SOB. I asked if he was mobile or if he had an actual shop. He replied " what are you looking to do?" I responded: Cut a couple of house keys. He not only rudely declined but added that he did not know who did that in the area. Well Kevin I went to Walmart a stone throw away from your "alleged" place of location. I say this because when I drove past 303 S. Water it was City Hall. I believe Kevin live and works out of his work truck. It's too bad Kevin, like I mentioned. We own plenty of property in Vegas and kindness, not price! Would have got you plenty or recurring business. It's time for a real locksmith to move into the area!