Eh bulk discounts aren't that big of deal anymore. You know what is a big deal? Self-checkout. Get with the times Summerlin Costco freaking Alberstons, has 4 self-checkouts!
I will say that I have had many lunches via a sample run, or as I like to call them Amuse Bouche stations. At the same time Smith's does wine tastings now...Costco you're behind the times.
Also the food bar just isn't that appealing since almost nothing is healthy. Yes it is delicious, and yes I do spend $1.50 on my polish and soda and make sure I compensate with free unlimited onions, and relish, but I don't feel good about myself afterwards. Neither does my heart feel right after pounding that very berry sundae and 1/4 for an entire supreme pizza. My wallet is happy that I still barley broke $6, the wasitline less happy because I did break into the near 2000 calorie mark :)
I will say you can go healthy at Costco though. $5 for a pound of organic salad?! With $5 for a chicken which is basically a mini-turkey you can make enough healthy food to last a week. Not that you'd want to eat just that for only a week, but you certainly could...