Bunch of BS the maintenance manager is rude and always has a smart ass remark! Disrespectful and a jerk its not even worth remembering his name i know i wrote it down on my notes. You give a $250 cleaning fee right well its just to sweep the floor if they wipe the countertops or the fridge another $85 on your final bill. You leave a piece of hair pin? $25 extra on "deep cleaning" you wanna post picture frames? Think twice its $35 each hole in the wall. And then they over charge you another $200 dollars for a "brake the lease fee" when they wrote down in the same invoice when you gave your 30day notice. You say a bent drawer or a missing blind is no biggie? Even if it was broke when you first lived there its charged to you. Live somewhere else. Final rent is $1,190 plus a final bs bill of $640 and thats with us cleaning the apartment and picking up even a small grain size trash. Lol what a joke this place.