| - People who have lived around a McDonald's will know they all have kind of a personality with their clientele. This McD's is no exception. This locale's specialty is daily get-togethers of the local... older, "special" people. You know the ones, they get their McCafe, go to the toilets, and you seem them on your way outside the McD's sitting on the floor against a building wall, with the McCafe cup presented for generous income. They'll sit together, and as soon as one of their crew walks in they could yell out his name, happy to be together in a McD's.
That's this McD's personality. You usually see the same crowd of people there, the local kids out of school, Filipino adults out of work, and many old white people with a spiritual wolf of the woods t shirt. But it's all good. It's McDonald's, it's reliable, it's what you want, and it's open 24 hours for our greatest enjoyment.
Just don't always use the toilet if you can avoid it. They're CLEAN, but you never know what that last shady guy you just saw leaving could have done there. Also they're too small for the crowd I find.