I came here on a regular basis 4 a peddy & usually asked 4 the same girl so I wouldn't have 2 tip out so much with multiple people contributing(toe art could b someone different from your basic peddy). Unfortunately, the person I usually got could b careless @ times & make me bleed. Well, this last time she slipped & cut me with the microplane (the tool used 2 grate the dry skin off your feet). It ended up getting seriously infected. It has been over a month & still is not healing even with a series of antibiotics. I will more likely have 2 go back 2 quick care 4 some more antibiotics. Have never had an infection that would not heal like this. The first time I went in 2 quick care, the doc warned me about these places & said they c this happen a lot. They do not sanitize like they should. I will not b going back. This was a VERY expensive pedicure.