"You ain't nothing but a hound dog!" Holy crap... If you enjoy getting hounded, pestered and bugged to death, PLEASE, by all means - visit this store!!!You can't even touch an item without a salesperson breathing down your neck. "Can I get you any other sizes?" "Can I order that online for you?" (Haven't even tried it on yet) - "Can I hold that up front for you?" "Can I re-fold that for you?" "Would you like to apply for our credit card?" I have at LEAST 15 more annoying questions/statements to quote but I'm sure you get the point. I must've been approached 20 times total by two different people. RIDICULOUS!!! I don't know if they thought my 10 year old daughter and I were thieves or that I looked like I was going to spend a lot of money. Either way, I was extremely annoyed and I finally left without buying a single item. My daughter had a substantial gift card and, in addition, I was going to spend money of my own. This location lost at least a $500 sale simply because they would not leave my daughter and I alone to just shop and enjoy our girl time together. I felt pressured and uncomfortable. I appreciate a warm greeting and a little help from time to time - more appropriately when I ask for it. I don't know if the sales associates are now on commission or if they are just aggressive pests. Sadly, the blonde manager on shift was just as bad. I won't be visiting this location EVER again.