I came her for the Indie Coffee passport 2012 (ICP)
Again this place is in a strange location as I wouldn't expect something like this in a residential area.
The interior is on the other extreme from the cafe across and is kinda dark and has grungy feel. There is music playing which might or might be not to your taste.
The barista was friendly and made one the biggest cappuccino I have had in the city. I am talking a huge mug here which took me sometime to finish.
Espresso: Mild
Crema': low
Milk: OK
Latte Art: OK
I think as the serving was so large I felt like I was drinking a Latte which is not my drink of choice.
2 Stars for the drink.
P.S. I decided to enjoy my drink outside and saw several Audi A4s pass by vorsprung durch technik anyone!