I will never ever return to this pharmacy. I had just left trauma center and got my prescription for norcos which is a pain killer. I handed the pharmacist the prescription and she said "I don't know if we have this" and handed it to another pharmacists. They handed it to at least 4 more and then handed it back and said "Sorry, we don't carry pain killers here". I took it backed and asked what pharmacy did and all 4 or 5 of them said "We don't know, we aren't sure". I'm sorry but if you're a pharmacist, you have to have somewhat of an idea of who carries them. I go to school to be a medical assistant and asked my teachers when I returned and said they all should have known another pharmacy that carries them. You have a degree. Don't look at me dumbfounded and shake your head when I'm in pain after being in trauma all morning! Never ever again. Stop hiring people who don't know what they went to school for.