I received a quote of 125$ to do the install of two vinyl sheets on 2 lexipan backers. 1= 2x6 the other =4x6. When I get there I am told that the price is going to be more because the material of the viynl is a thinner than what they use. The first guy calls over a second guy and he looks over all the material and says no they can do it for the $125 that i was quoted. The first guy chimes in and says no I don't think so, let's go talk in the back. After about 5 minutes the first guy comes back out and says "well we can do the work but the price is going to be double". The reason why he says the price is going to be double is because if they damaged it during the install they are responsible for replacing me with new vinyl.
After I left I called several other shops and gave them the exact material and they all said there's nothing wrong with it and that it's used regularly in the industry.
The guy said that he's charging me double because if they damaged my sign they will have to reprint it, well there's a flip side to that coin, if they don't damage the sign then they're basically charging me double for nothing, after they are already quoted me $125 and after one of their own employees said they can install for under $125.
I can't attest to weather first impressions lettering does good work or not all I know is that my ordeal was pretty shady
Update, contacted Stevens custom screen-printing and they took on my work with no issues for almost the exact same cost without me even mentioning the debacle of first impressions. They are charging 130$.