I was conistently getting my hair done by the same visionary from 2004-2008. Then I relocated and came back a couple of years later. Every time that I called back to reschedule, my hair stylist was no longer there. This was disappointing since I was paying visionary + rates. So, then I figured if it was going to be someone different then I might as well do a mid-level. The mid-level was okay but she never came to check the color of my hair during the process. She just sent someone over to rinse me out. It ends up my hair was extremely brassy. She said she was going on vacation but I could come back if I wanted a touch up. Disappointed, I stopped going there to get my hair done. I brought my daughter once and the same thing happened with her stylist leaving by the next appointment. I'm now using the esthetic services there and I'm pleased so far. The last disappointment I have is that I totally don't get the Hunie Rewards they do now. I think it's a discount but you have to pay for membership. It mentions Dolce Dollars but I don't know if that's equivalent to a dollar at dolce. Because it also says not redeemable for gift cards.