This is only a review for their place on the square.
I don't get it. Really, I don't.
I've had the spicy cheese bread multiple times. Friends swear by it. My brother seemed to enjoy it.
But seriously, I don't get it. It's not very good--it's a bunch of mild, flavorless, overly-greasy "cheese" (well, not that much these days) baked into a loaf of bread that I can only compare to a super crappy version of potato bread. The "spicy" they claim exists is more like a handful of red pepper flakes baked into and on top of the loaf. It's not spicy. It's kind of cheesy. The redeeming feature is the burnt stuff on the bottom--the only part of the bread, imo, that's great.
Everything else? No thanks. Are people's palates so bland that they think anything with a tiny hint of seasoning is "great"? Ugh. Oh, and the price--$8? Are you fucking kidding me? I can go two stalls down and get a 4lb loaf of absolutely incredible rye bread for $7. Why would I spend an extra dollar on an inferior product? much no.