We were having a huge problem with our sliding glass door where every time we shut our door, it would slide open about an inch...well needless to say in this AZ heat an inch can really mean a lot to your a/c. We had many friends that were convinced they could fix it to no avail. We finally got the name of this company and they came and fixed it! I was thrilled...but then about 5 months later it started happening again. I wasn't too concerned because they said there was a lifetime warranty. I called and they came out again and fixed it again. Well now 10 months later it is happening AGAIN...I'm now not very happy but no worries because I have the warranty. Well, this time Heather stated that they only give one courtesy appointment and we already had ours and if Dave has to come out again they will charge $50!!! I said what about the lifetime warranty? She said that in her notes, Dave came out and no one was home but then my husband finally showed up (what this has to do with anything I don't know!!!) Nonetheless, that is what she stated and then said that Dave didn't find anything wrong with the door and if he comes out and he doesn't find anything wrong there will be that $50 charge. I said I don't remember anything about him finding nothing wrong with the door but I don't want to be charged $50 for him to come out. She said she can't just have him driving to the other side of town every time there is a problem (well they didn't have a problem coming across town when they took our money the first time!!!) I found it to be completely unprofessional and certainly not how it was explained to us when we originally paid to have the door fixed. I made the appointment for him to come out because what else am I supposed to do (which obviously they realize this and don't care about the happiness of their customers or their reputation) Very disappointed...