| - Went here on a whim today cuz the knots in my back were annoying me and there was a 'Groupon Now' for a 1-hr massage. It was definitely different from the typical North American massage... but a very cool experience.
In this type of massage, you keep your clothes on and are covered by a sheet. The room is open concept and there are several people getting massaged at the same time. They also use hands, elbows, knuckles, and a special baton to roll out your muscles. Towards the end, she even got up on the table with me, got me to sit up, and manually stretched out my arms, back and neck. It was pretty cool and effective. Their technique seems to include elements of deep tissue, shiatsu, and accupressure.
I would probably go again, but maybe not for the full price. I think it's regularly $70/hr and I got it for $35 plus tax & tip. It was as effective as regular massage (maybe even slightly more effective) but for $70, I kind of want the whole "soft music, warm oils, bells-and-whistles" thing, or at least a room with some semblance of privacy (the entire business, including front desk and waiting area is one big room).
Also, even though my masseuse was incredibly nice, I found the language barrier to be a little bit of a problem, as I wasn't able to go into detail about where exactly I needed help... aside from saying things like "back". There were other masseurs there who definitely spoke English better and seemed to be more experienced, but the woman who did my massage knew very little English and seemed very timid about the language barrier. It wouldn't be an issue if you speak Mandarin, of course... but alas, I do not. Either way, cool experience.