Of course I was suckered by Home Depot and their YES MAN rep onsite at home depot location. Quickly found out just how Most if not All AC company's and techs are. YES! guys came out to my home and replaced something not needing replacing and charged me 275$ for a capacitor that was almost worn out which later I found out their is no such thing as almost wearing out. Then later in the year after my heater was working just fine it stopped working the next year and then found my heating coils disconnected. Don't trust YES guys nothing but crooks who owe me money for lies and deceptions. must be a bunch of rich idiots over paying for their services giving 5 stars to a crook company like that. Must be as YES MAN policy to cause damage or disconnect things not in use during certain seasons so they can comeback and secure more work instead of taking care of units and customers. Seems like they create more work behind my back lied to me and ripped me off for my hard earned money. DON'T BE FOOLED LIKE THE REST GOGGLE AND EDUCATE YOURSELF 1st