I've never met Harry but I'm sure he's happy because he gets so much for a so-so car wash. For this area he's pretty much the only game in town so he can get away with it.
For a full service car wash it's a little strange. You sit in your car as it is magically transported through the wash/rinse/blow dry machine. As you come out you have to drive your car into one of 5 or 6 lanes for the final drying, window washing, vacuum, etc. No one is there to tell you which lane to choose. It's like the supermarket, pick an aisle and I guarantee it'll be the slowest aisle in the store. After you exit your car you hop/skip/jump across the other lanes to get out of the way. I often wonder if anyone has been mowed down there.
The wash itself is OK, not great. The staff outside consists, I think, mostly of day laborers and they're attentive and do a good job. However, no one outside seems to speak English so if there's a problem you have to point - "Here - see the dead bug??"
It's at least as good as Danny's Family Carwash but with the added benefit that when you pull in you don't have the windshield repair guy, the window tint guy, the tire guy and the handwax guy jumping you like you do at Danny's.