If you go into this store, don't go alone.
If you get lost, fall down and hit your head, or die... they will not find you. You will not be found.
I literally stood in the ipod section for 20 minutes and not one person came to talk to me. I went to the guy who monitors the door and waited for he and another sales guy to finish their conversation, because they apparently did not see me standing 2 feet from them. I asked them to send someone to ipods.
I went back and stood by the ipods for another 10 minutes. (I needed one and I needed one bad). I was in view of the door monitor guy and he never followed up to see who was going to help me.
Eventually, someone showed up handed me what I needed and left.
I checked out and left. If I fell down and hit my head, I would have died there alone.
I'm not even kidding. It's true.