What a great way to spend a day. More history attached to it than ever I thought too. 2/3s of Calgary's drinking water comes from here! You can read about the background from plaques throughout the park.
Even if you are just wanting to get out for a pleasant walk, this place is for you.
There are several places to park your car or you can bike here if you are lucky to live close enough. It is clean, clean, clean!
We walked down the embankment to the reservoir as there are several trails but use caution, it is a steep climb down and up! We walked along the water's edge on the dry, hard soil and then went up to a path where we were greeted by smiley pooches along the way and the ice cream truck!
There were benches to sit and look at the beautiful scenery overlooking the water, families having cookouts, tents set up for day use, canoers, kids playing at the park - everyone was enjoying the nice weather. I noted that there is no swimming allowed but there were several people in the water.
There is a separate path for walkers and bikers, this was nice and a wise decision.
I love that we will have to come back several times to walk the whole thing!