| - I've been ramping up on spicy food lately, and as tends to come with the territory, I've been eating a lot more wings. Problem: most places have mediocre wings at best, and the "Hottest" wings at most places is just franks red hot red vinegar. Solution: Big Shot Bobs.
It popped up on my phone, and I called them to order whatever their hottest wing was. Their flavors list is about half the length of "infinite jest", so I thought it best to just ask. I called the location, and was greeted by a grunt. I asked if I had the right place, and the gentlemen said yes, sounding annoyed. I asked for the hottest wing, he asked if I was sure, and I said yeah. He told me the total, and off I went.
I showed up at the place, practically a closet, and waited patiently for my order. The place is barely noticeable on the side of the road, and is downright ugly. He walked the order to my car- which was nice- and I asked what flavor the wings were, exactly. He replied "I just threw all the hottest shit we got on 'em.' I said thanks, and ran home to try them.
They're the best wings I've ever had. Don't let the place fall under your radar, especially if you like spicy food or wings.