Been here a few times. I like the ambiance of the place overall. I think I get frustrated by the food usually. I'm a big foodie so when the menu looks pretty good I'm let down when it's not quite what I conjured up in my head. Mind you the food isn't bad at all I fact it's quite good and apparent that someone in the kitchen knows "how to cook". Sometimes I'm not sure what it is but I think it may have to do with seasoning for the food. I once had the Mac and cheese and it was great but there was very low to no salt in the dish which left it incomplete and unsatisfying. No I'm not a salter, only thing I add salt to after cooking is my eggs and fries. That's it and in cooking many times I half what's called for in recipes. The wings are usually really good and like the different sauces available. Beer is yummy and cold. Last time I was their I enjoyed eating a bite and sipping a beer with my hubby and watching a guy try to pick up a girl, didn't go so well,..... To funny! Thanks Bricks!