If you have seen Absinthe at Caesars Palace, then you might find yourself in a comparison battle with these two shows. Of course they are created by the same people. I would say that Rose.Rabbit.Lie is not a "risque" as Absinthe (lack of nudity) but the atmosphere and sheer raw talent of the musicians and performers was highly impressive. I especially enjoyed the bar area before you go into the showroom. There was a live band, and all of the stage performers were mingling among us regular folk. The drink menu was impressive with drinks that only true mixologist can create, but the $16 per drink price was on the steep side for the amount of drink I received. The taste however was phenomenal! The show runs about 2 hours long and it does start off rather slow. The first act does have a bit of intensity and pressure that put me in a place of wonder as to how the hell these people find out that they possess these skills and talents. Overall, the experience was well worth it and I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.