| - Let's just start off by saying I've never been into trends, especially the most recent "organic" foods one (well, I guess recent since the 90s?). While I did feel like I was in an episode of Portlandia when I read the menu, I was delighted with the taste of all the food. The waitress asked if we had every been there before, and told us about how, well, how healthy everything is.
My coworker has been there multiple time, and suggest we start with the edamame dumplings. Very good! Were there worth $2 per dumpling...? I don't know. I guess your wallet decides that.
I had to ask what multiple ingredients were (vegenaise = vegan mayo; hehe!) but finally choose the TLT. Tempeh, by the way, is a compressed soy bean (I think?), smoked, that "tastes like bacon." It was actually really good! I thought the TLT had turkey in it but about 1/2 way through I realized it was just the tempeh. Avocado was great too.
My TLT came with a couple of side options, and none sounded too appetizing (see: previous reviews. I like beer and fries, like every overweight American), but I've been on a health kick, so I went with the kale salad. It was actually very good- due to the grated parmesean and bread crumbs. Very "kale-y" still, but I guess kale is kale and there's only so much you can do to mask the healthy taste. The lemon dressing was good, but a bit too much actually and completely soaked my bread on my sammich that was sharing it's plate.
Everything else was generally good (service, decor) but I was surprised for such a busy place, they'd only have one sink in the bathroom. I had to wait for some chick to stop staring at herself (see: Scottsdale location) to wash my hands.
I think I'd go there again just for the TLT ($10)- everything else was out of my budget for a lunch. My coworker got the ravioli; 5 pieces for $15. I have to wait until I marry rich to enjoy those spoils.