So the chicken people have discovered beef now that the price of beef is skyrocketing. So lets offer a roast beef dinner. Who will know any better because our customers only can recognize chicken! The new rotisserie roast beef dinners look mighty fine in the photographs spread all over the restaurant and the menu. To bad they aren't related to whats on the plate. A decent enough amount of thinly sliced fatty beef swimming in ersatz gravy. Bend down close to the plate and you can hear the refrain "boil in the bag dinner" The bottomless glass of soda pop is really just an overpriced single serving because the server just can't be bothered! My waitress, walking by my booth, instead of asking how my dinner was, simply walked by with both thumbs up and an inquiring look on her face that reminds me of the stupid blond in the Maxwell House Keurig Pod commercials. To add insult to injury I am invited to complete a 4-6 minute survey on my computer. Their computer is soooo slow the survey takes almost 30 minutes, as long as my meal! For that I get 50% of an appetizer on my next visit. Anybody want the 50% off code: GS103550803!