This is the closest post office to our home so I will have to make do with what we have here. The parking lot is small and they've designed it so that it's one way, which proves to be slightly annoying if you can't find a spot, or if you have to stop and wait for every car which tries to get out. I try as hard as possible to print my postage online beforehand so that all I have to do is drop it off in the mailbox and not deal with the counter. Arrived yesterday at 4:37 with the understanding that the post office was closed at 4:30. I dropped off my two boxes in the drop box and as I was trying to rotate the dropper back up, realized my boxes were stuck. I took a closer look through the gaps (which you could see through the back) and saw that their bin was entirely full which was why my boxes couldn't "drop". How is it that no one in the back could try to clear out the bin towarsd the end of the day? It was as if simply no one bothered to check throughout the day. Since they were stuck, I couldn't even retrieve my boxes, and just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best, that the postal workers would clear out the bins and collect my boxes. Because it was after 4:30, the post office was closed and I couldn't really notify anyone that the boxes were stuck.