Previously known as Sakura Sushi, Maple Sushi has stepped up their game with new management, new ordering system and new menu items. Although I was a fan of Sakura to the bitter end, I do have to say they were in need of a pick me up.
Maple Sushi kept the same great interior décor and gave their servers and menu a face lift (not literally). I really like that the new take out menu has better options for lunch specials while keeping the same amazing price. You can get any one roll + 9 sashimi pieces, soup & salad for $10! That's less than a buck per sashimi piece!
I've dined here recently and enjoyed the iPad experience. The service was prompt and friendly and the food tasted great. Just be warned they love to use their sauce and the prices increase for Friday and weekend dining.
For take out on two separate occasions, I've ordered the salmon sashimi and spicy crunchy salmon roll, and again salmon sashimi and Alaska roll. The Alaska roll is salmon & avocado. Both times the price came out to a little under $9 with tax included. I knew ordering the spicy crunchy salmon roll for take out would be a mistake because it's nearly impossible to get home without it being saugy so I asked for that one. But the Alaska roll is good and the sashimi sizes are fairly meaty. I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't customize a roll (salmon, avocado and cucumber) but I got over it. See photo for reference.
Overall, I like this sushi joint and will continue to give them my business.