Terrible customer service. Made online purchase of tires,was told they would be in the next day. Went in to get them and they weren't there. Ok ,stuff happens.The manager apologized and promised to resolve the issue in a timely manner. Two days go by with no word from them so I call to check on progress. They have no idea what I'm talking about. Hmmmm...starting to get kinda frustrated. The manager again promises to resolve the issue ( no apology this time). Two more days go by and nothing. Now I'm just downright pissed. Drive to the store to find out what the story was. Walk in to the store to be greeted by a gentleman named Frank ( Frank is the only thing this store has going for it). I explained my problem and he passed me on to some boob in the tire dept.This guy was no help whatsoever and I began to cancel my order. Frank over heard what was going on,( after a bit of arguing with his fellow employee)and convinced the boob to go look in the back for my tires. Two minutes later there he is with my tires ( that he swore to me weren't there). "Well holy ____,they are here",I exclaimed to the embarrassed employee.Now it's time to check out and I don't think this guy has ever used a computer before.Ten minutes later we finally finish and it's time to load the tires in the car and suddenly the guy who checked me out disappears and Frank can't help because he's an elderly gentleman. So I start taking them to my car one at a time. On the second tire I hear another customer upset because he was told his special order wheels weren't in.The customer turns and points to four boxes and says I believe these are the wheels right here. Again after a bit of convincing from Frank they look into it more and discover they are the customers wheels. Other than Frank this store is run by complete idiots. Your terrible service has lost you at least 2 customers.