I wish I would've kept walking.
I was so excited! From the outside this boutique is so adorable! I just had to go inside... Unfortunately the woman working wasn't as excited to be there as I was.
Let's start with how I didn't even get a hello or nod or any sort of acknowledgement at all upon entering. Fine, your $9 an hour to sit at a desk isn't enough to get a simple greeting. No hard feelings. HOWEVER come to find out it was one of the owners. Way to make your customers feel welcome!
As my friend and I googled over all the cute tutus and such we were offered no assistance of any sort. She just say on her phone. She had a dog, we came over and said hi, the dog got excited PLAYING with his bone and she barked at him to calm down. RUDE! I also couldn't help but notice the dogs eye infection. Pull yourself together lady.
I decided to strike up a conversation- this is how it went.
Me: so are you the owner?
Lady: one of them, yes.
Me: this is a cute boutique, do you do shows as well?
Lady: shows? Have you met show people?
(This was said in a way to make "show people" sound like they were dog slayers or something)
Me: yes.
This is when we quickly made a run for the door. She lost a sale and two potential customers today. My friend is obsessed with dog tutus but refused to purchase anything from that woman.
I have met show people. I did shows all over the country when I was younger. I'm extremely offended.