Grizzly took great care of us. We went on two crawls. The first was Coyote Ugly, Foundation Room, LAX and Light. Coyote Ugly was before I arrived, but they had two for one specials. Foundation Room had an amazing view. Great night skyline view! LAX was small, but the music was good. Light was great, HUGE and DJ Mustard played a great set. The second crawl was Sapphire and Rehab. Sapphire was perfectly timed, as we got there right before the crowd, so we had our choice of chairs and we got to the bar without a wait. Rehab was great, though the security was intense and time consuming. We didn't have any issues with lines or extra charges. If you want to see many spots in a short time, and you want to save money and time. Go LA Epic. I'll be using them again. Ask for Grizzly!