Brought in my vintage 1973 350sl in for service.
I asked for new plugs, wires, points,distributor cap & rotor and a valve adjustment.
Guy says ok we will call you with an estimate. After he assures me that his technician specializes in the "classic Benzes".
Well that was a load of bullsh** because he calls me and says, " sir, your car has distributor less ignition, no points and timing are necessary. Valve adjustments are also not necessary"
So I hang up, drive over there with my friend and demand my car back. I lift the hood and point at the big ORANGE DISTRIBUTOR CAP to the guy and said "what the **** is this then, huh?"
This is a DEALERSHIP, they're supposed to be able to handle any generation of their own vehicle.
Never will I drive a car 300feet of that place again.