I hiked this trail at red Rock Canyon today. It's a 2.5 mile round trip hike with some boulder scrambling.
From the parking lot, hike into the wash, cross the wash, and then walk up the stone steps. Follow the trail along Ice Box Canyon until you reach a down section into the wash below. This part of the hike is just about a mile in length.
After dropping down into the wash, turn right and follow the wash as it winds through the canyon. This will entail some rock and boulder scrambling. If any of the boulders are too big to climb up, the trail will have a walk around to the left or right of the wash. Sometimes you have to back track and go the other way, but this is the fun of hiking in a bouldering area.
From the entry into the wash, it's about 1/4 mile of rock scrambling to the end of the trail. You'll know you're almost there when you see a tall, dead ponderosa pine leaning to the left. The waterfall - usually dry as it was today - is just past this dead ponderosa.
When you get to the base of the waterfall, this is a good place to have a snack and chat for awhile before hiking back to your car.
Directions to trailhead: Go west on Charleston Boulevard until you get to the Red Rock Canyon entrance. From the fee booth (entrance fee $7), take the Scenic Drive just past mile marker 8. The Ice Box Canyon Trailhead is on your right and is well marked.
I have posted some photos with this review.