If I could give just a review without any stars I would. This place was beyond tragic. AND I ATE FOR FREE. Even the fact that it was FREE doesn't merit 1/2 a star.
So, I was comped by the hotel for one of their fuck ups to go to their buffet. Maybe it was payback for my complaining, but this place was no apology.
It was Friday night and it was SUPPOSE to be Seafood night. This consisted of a huge pile of FROZEN(not thawed out) crab legs, some left over shrimp, and a few dried out, nasty looking mussell dishes. That was it for the seafood. Oh! I forgot a few grilled goldfish fillets. Nasty! I told my BF not to eat it and that we could go some place else and that I would pay to avoid eating that garbage, but he was trying to be a good guy and save some $. Too bad his ass paid for it later. Literally.
He was in the bathroom until our shuttle arrived the next morning to take us to the airport. Yep. Food poisoning.
AVOID! AVOID! AVOID! and while you are at it, avoid the Monte CArlo all together. Even if its free.